Comodo group is our friend

Comodo group is our friend

Comodo is a distinguished leader among all the providers of security products and tools, that help to prevent and confront your web-site users from any kinds of ...

August, 10, 2014


The 24th of August, 2014, is the day when Comodo, a leading company providing on-line security worldwide, has become our friend!

Comodo is a distinguished leader among all the providers of security products and tools, that help to prevent and confront your web-site users from any kinds of malware, viruses, cyber-crime and other threats. Comodo provides total information security, your web-site security, SSL certificates and many hackerproof tools, in order to make the Internet more safe and trusted for all the users worldwide. We share the ideas of Comodo, that is why ASM Brain has established long-term and friendly partnership relationship with the company.

As long as ASM Brain develops multiple web-sites for our clients, we have to make sure that projects that we create and promote are completely secure from any intrusions and hacker attacks. We monitor the web-sites of our clients on a regular basis and use scanning products and tools by Comodo at the same time. Trustmarks and seals assure visitors of your web-site, that it is completely safe to browse.

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