
Gestion des risques

Detailed data display, user verifications, financial & staff management — all features in revolutionary risk management software to manage productive activity

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Intelligent Risk Analyzer Interface

Intelligent Risk Analyzer interface consists of several windows at your convenience where a wide range of clients' data for more precise risk detection is reflected. In the security management section you can find account number with the respective information like its holder's login and name, positions quantity for different periods of time, information on profit/loss positions, their volume, server and platform used and general risk level with the highlighting of the most risky accounts.


Detailed Data Display

It is easy to examine more detailed data of one or another order you are interested in. After filtering accounts by different types of matches, information on the determined account coincidences, location, entry time, order numbers etc shall appear on the screen at your disposal with easy and quick switching over bookmarked accounts. Simultaneously directly in the nearest viewer you are available to browse specifications and activity data of opened and closed positions of the selected account.


User Verifications

Possibility of quick passing to the next tab that contains the fullest profile data of the order account holder with the docs sent by him in order to verify account significantly simplifies scammer identification or just making special marks for further work with the client. Possibility of carrying out instantaneous user verification with the automatic docs downloading is also provided directly through the IRA interface respective viewer that assigns one more advantage to this risk management software.


Financial Management

Financial part of the program assures you the most complete and precise calculation of company profit per established time period taking into account even several platforms installed on different servers. Several strong imperfect points are resolved with the only one solution. Exact calculation of gross and nett profit counting separately money credited on accounts as bonus funds. You can finally achieve to perform full-rate audit and even a huge data base, several trading platforms or/and servers wouldn't become an obstacle now!


Staff Management

Staff management tab allows you to control the whole working process of your company staff. Having set the access rights for each worker, you can totally control employees activity. Manage and appoint responsibilities for company by granting or restricting special rights to administrators, separate managers or groups of workers. Log file contains exact time of every action carried out recorded, so that it is easily to determine the worker who conducted that or another operation as well as to check how long his or her working day was lasting. Total control over order processing on the regular prices is also ensured by Intelligent Risk Analyzer.


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